
Exploring the art of prose


exploring the art of prose

Image is a photograph of an old computer; title card for the new craft essay, "Show Don't Tell: What AI Can't Do," by Laura Hartenberger. Craft

Show, Don’t Tell: What AI Can’t Do

Image is a photograph of the Statue of Liberty; title card for the new flash fiction, “Big-Mouth Mitchie,” by sheena d. Flash Fiction

Big-Mouth Mitchie by sheena d.

Image is the the book cover for GOOD WOMEN by Halle Hill; title card for the new interview with Courtney Harler. Interviews

Interview: Halle Hill

Image is a black and white photograph of a seahorse; title card for the creative nonfiction essay, “The Way Seahorses Hang On,” by Anne Panning. Longform CNF

The Way Seahorses Hang On by Anne Panning

Image is a photograph of a large fossil in orange dirt; title card for the new short story, “Thin Places,” by Emily Giangiulio. Fiction

Thin Places by Emily Giangiulio

Image is a color photograph of a wooded road; title card for the new flash essay, “Mary Ruefle Drives Me to the Dentist,” by Kelly Luce. Flash CNF

Mary Ruefle Drives Me to the Dentist by Kelly Luce

Image is the book cover for THE BRAILLE ENCYCLOPEDIA by Naomi Cohn; title card for the new interview with Jacqueline Doyle. Interviews

Interview: Naomi Cohn

Image is the book covers for HOUSE GONE QUIET by Kesley Norris and CAN'T SHAKE THE DUST by C. H. Hooks; title card for the new conversation between the authors. Interviews

Conversations Between Friends: C. H. Hooks and Kelsey Norris

Image is the book cover for MY MOTHER IN HAVANA: A MEMOIR OF MAGIC & MIRACLE by Rebe Huntman; title card for the new hybrid interview with Shara Kronmal. Interviews

Hybrid Interview: Rebe Huntman

Image is a color photo of street art of a robot with a heart; title card for the new craft essay, “Stepping Out of My Storytelling Box,” by Tim Bascom. Craft

Stepping Out of My Storytelling Box

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About Us

Established in 2017 as a literary magazine for fiction, CRAFT expanded in 2020 to publish creative nonfiction as well. We explore how writing works, reading pieces with a focus on the elements of craft, on the art of prose. We feature previously unpublished creative work, with occasional reprints, as well as critical pieces including craft essays and interviews. All published creative pieces include an author’s note and an editorial introduction that both discuss stylistics in the work.

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