CRAFT Fiction

Since we launched in October, CRAFT has published 23 stories. Take a reading break this holiday week and enjoy some wonderful short fiction. Be sure to read the Author’s Note that accompanies each of the stories: each writer considers an aspect of craft in their story. You’ll want to go back and reread each story after you’re done!
“The Renaissance Person Tournament” by Clare Beams
“The Rabbi’s Wife” by Robin Black
“A Slim Blade of Air” by Alice Elliott Dark
“Isn’t It Big? Isn’t It Nice?” by Jonathan Durbin
“The Station” by Elizabeth Gaffney
“A Girl Like You” by Beth Hahn
“The Whites” by Dustin M. Hoffman
“A Last-Minute Addendum” by Jess E. Jelsma
“Half of What Atlee Rouse Knows About Horses” by Bret Anthony Johnston
“The Lure” by Matthew Lansburgh
“Key Concepts in Ecology” by Michelle Ross
“Tidings of the Apocalypse” by Patrick Ryan