
Exploring the art of prose


Tag: Narration

Comfort Animals

Image is a color photo of a cat or dog looking out of a windshield; title card for the new craft essay, "Comfort Animals," by Pascha Sotolongo.

  By Pascha Sotolongo • The cat on the proposed book cover—a white-whiskered piebald—shouldn’t have surprised me. My debut story collection is full of furry mammals, birds, insects, and at least two lizards. A handful of these (often fantastical) creatures…

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Vegaboy by Leah Bailly

Image shows a center aisle on an airplane with blue seats and a white ceiling; title card for "Vegaboy" by Leah Bailly.

“Don’t live with your hand on the stove.” —Dave Hickey   Emergency Exit When you were barely one year old, I fled to Las Vegas. It’s not like I walked away from my first hit and straight to McCarran. I…

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Graftings by Stella Lei

alt text: image is a color photograph of a peeled orange; title card for Stella Lei's short story "Graftings"

  Hunger never came naturally to me. As a baby, I didn’t cry for milk, preferring to gaze at the mold-splashed ceiling and grab at dust motes, twining my tiny hands through their light. Elaine told me this was because…

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